General Terms and Conditions of the Fasten-Tour GmbH

The Fasten-Tour GmbH company can act as a travel agent as well as a travel organizer.

As a travel agent, the Fasten-Tour GmbH assumes the obligation to endeavor to obtain a claim to the services of other tour operators.

In this case, the conditions of the mediated tour operator, the mediated transport company (e.g. train, bus, plane and ship) and the other mediated service providers apply.

As a travel organizer, the Fasten-Tour GmbH either offers several tourist services at a flat rate or individual tourist services as own services and makes its own brochures and information available on the Internet.

The legal basis is the DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2302 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 November 2015, on package tours and related travel services, amending Regulation (EG) Nr. 2006/2004 and Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council and the repeal of the Council Directive 90/314 / EEC and the Federal Act on Package Travel and Related Travel Services (Package Travel Act).

General terms and conditions of the Fasten-Tour GmbH as tour organiser

General terms and conditions of the Fasten-Tour GmbH as a travel retailer